Spring Boot DevTools On Steroids With IntelliJ

The goal of today’s post is to share a few IDE configuration goodies that I think are pretty cool. So, let’s get to it! Quick Intro: Spring Boot is an amazing framework and Spring Boot DevTools can really supercharge development by saving oodles of time spent on expensive full rebuild and restart boilerplate when we make simple code changes. If you’re not familiar with DevTools, have a quick read and you’ll want to use it. [Read More]

Stored Procedures and Spring Data JPA

An Approach For Procedures Returning Result Sets

Spring Data JPA is an amazing product. It has some quirks, but I like to think that I’ve figured out a way to navigate those and love working with it. My latest endeavour had me searching for a way to call SQL Server stored procedures and grab the result set. I was surprised to find that there isn’t strong support for this type of pattern and moreover there’s a bug logged for the past year. [Read More]